Monroe Pierce


How to get in touch with me:

(720) 919-4230 (Text Very Much Preferred)


Please contact me only to ask questions that you need answered prior to deciding whether or not you would like to book a session with me. Otherwise, please fill out a screening form and I will get back to you once you have been screened and am happy to address any questions you have at that time. Following that order is much easier for me and saves me a lot of time. Especially when I am on tour, I have a hard time getting to all of the screening forms submitted as it is. If I am also having to respond to texts and emails in which my answer will ultimately be for you to come back here and filll out a screening form anyway, it is a waste of both of our time. When that happens too much, I am able to process even less screening forms and as a result there are bound to be clients that would have liked to book a session with me that will not get the chance. Please be respectful of my time, and of the time of other potential clients. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.